Hey Everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well! After three years of finding any excuse to celebrate just about anything at university, it’s safe to say that my days of going out-out for Halloween are well and truly over. In all honesty, I think I found myself tagging along mainly to please others and to avoid being called “boring”. I’m actually so much happier hosting a cosy movie night with some pals (squad ghouls am I right? Sorry, I had to) involving lots of sweets, snacks and spooky decor. There’s no hurried pre-drinks, no sweaty crowds and there’s certainly no queueing for the toilet! I thought I would share my top tips and must haves for the perfect Halloween night in-in.


It’s just not Halloween without snacks now, is it? So be sure to grab some bags of sweet treats for you and your pals. Most supermarkets and places like Home Bargains and Wilko etc. start selling spooky themed goodies during the build up to Halloween. I like to buy a mixture of sweets and chocolate just so that there’s something for everyone! Another nice ideas is a popcorn bar. You can fill trick or treat buckets with different flavours of popcorn and your pals can choose their favourite to snack on during the movies. You can do the same with crisps and dips too! Obviously don’t go filling a whole bucket with salsa unless you want to sweat your way through Annabelle more than the average person. If you have a little hunt around the shops you can usually find some quirky flavours as well as the traditional ones! I risked it and went for Toffee Apple and Cinnamon popcorn and have no regrets whatsoever – it was delicious!


Candles can completely change the atmosphere in any space. I light them all year round but when it gets to Autumn, the scents that start coming out are impossible to resist. I usually have a browse in my local Homesense to pick out a few that I can use throughout the season as well as for Halloween! This year I went for a Candy Corn candle and a Caramel Apple candle, both from DW Home (my absolute favourite brand) and they made the house smell incredible. I believe that the two of them together cost me less than £10 too and they’re pretty chunky! Candles always make me feel really cosy, so they’re perfect for a movie night. If you don’t like using candles (can’t relate) you can always buy some fake battery operated ones so that you still get that warm lighting without the scent or flame!


The decorations are probably my favourite part about all festive occasions. I just love putting little bits and pieces around the house to give it those extra touches! You can find so much in craft shops and bargain shops – you don’t have to spend a fortune. I’d recommend getting some plastic spiders, fake cobwebs and other little props to spread around. The great thing about most of these pieces is that you can use them over and over again! I would also recommend purchasing some big bowls or trick or treating buckets to pop the snacks into. I also like to provide something for people to throw wrappers into (unless you want your bin in the room with you). This saves you having to give everyone plates or bowls as they can just grab on the go. It also means you have less cleaning up to do afterwards! This year I used a few letter boards to display some Halloween themed quotes around the house!


I know scary movies aren’t for everyone. Some people prefer actually being able to sleep at night which is totally understandable. However, I’m personally an eager member of team terrified. I do think it’s important to include something for everyone though. Go for a combination! Something tame like The Nightmare Before Christmas (still pretty creepy actually) usually goes down really well. You can then switch it up to Sinister (bloody terrifying) which will leave you unable to go anywhere in the dark alone for at least a week! Why do we do this to ourselves?! So that you can prepare, it might be a good idea to ask your pals if there’s anything people really want to watch or avoid. Blankets are an essential! Not only might you need something to hide behind but they make for a really comfy set-up. Pop some throws and cushions around so that people can make themselves at home and get cosy! I hosted a Halloween gathering a couple of years ago and I put a basket of blankets by the door so people could grab one on the way in!


If you’re looking to turn your movie night into something more special you can always include some sleepover essentials or girls night must haves. I like to offer my pals a face mask as that always makes them feel pampered and relaxed. Even if we’re going to be jumping out of our skin for all evening! You don’t have to spend a fortune on these bits. You get cheap masks in sachets from drugstores or go for something in a tube that everyone can use. If your friends are staying round, consider leaving some essentials out like toothbrushes and toothpaste, moisturisers or chocolate! I would also recommend plugging in some phone chargers so that nobody has to ask and you don’t have to go searching! It can also help to have your Wifi password written down somewhere. I like to use my letter boards for this! Of course you don’t have to do any of these things but I personally enjoy going the extra mile!

Do you prefer going out-out or staying in-in, like me? Let me know in the comments! I’ve put links to all of my social media down below and I’d love it if you would come and say hi!

N xxxx


    • Nina Louise

      There are some I can’t sit through without hiding behind a pillow 😂 Coco is such a beautiful film though! It’s perfect for a cosy movie night!

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